Eli Konvitz is an expert in sustainability and urban development with experience on five continents. He consults on urban development projects, policy, strategy and innovation, adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and Vice-Chair of ULI Hong Kong. Previously Eli was Director of Atkins' Planning and Urban Design practice in South East Asia and Net Zero leader for Asia; Asia Practice Lead for Consulting, Strategy and Advisory; and Chair of Atkins' Urban Planning Global Network. Prior to joining Atkins, he was at Arup in London and co-founder of startup localCarbon. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, member of the Pacific Basin Economic Council and the Advisory Board of AMRACE in Malaysia, and sits on the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design’s Public Affairs and International and Mainland Affairs Committees. Eli is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.